
Agreement with Indemnity Clause Stamp Duty


Agreement with Indemnity Clause Stamp Duty: What You Need to Know

When it comes to legal agreements, indemnity clauses are crucial for protecting the parties involved against financial loss that may arise from certain events or situations. However, it`s important to understand that these clauses also have implications on stamp duty.

What is Stamp Duty?

Stamp duty is a tax imposed by the government when certain documents are executed, such as agreements, contracts, leases, etc. The amount of stamp duty payable is based on the value of the property or transaction that the document relates to.

What is an Indemnity Clause?

An indemnity clause is a contractual agreement between two parties where one party agrees to compensate the other party for any losses, damages, or claims arising from a defined event or situation.

For example, if Party A agrees to indemnify Party B against any losses or damages that may arise from a breach of contract, then Party A will be responsible for compensating Party B for any losses or damages sustained as a result of the breach.

Agreements with Indemnity Clauses and Stamp Duty

When an agreement includes an indemnity clause, stamp duty may be payable on the indemnity amount. This means that the indemnity amount is treated as a consideration for the transaction and is subject to stamp duty.

For example, if Party A agrees to indemnify Party B for $100,000 in a contract, stamp duty may be payable on the $100,000 indemnity amount in addition to the stamp duty payable on the contract itself.

It`s important to note that if the indemnity clause is limited to a specific amount and doesn`t exceed the consideration for the transaction, then stamp duty is not payable on the indemnity amount. However, if the indemnity amount exceeds the consideration for the transaction, then stamp duty will be payable on the indemnity amount.


Agreements with indemnity clauses are essential for protecting parties against financial loss, but it`s important to note that they may have implications on stamp duty. If you`re unsure about stamp duty requirements for your agreement, it`s always best to consult with a legal professional or taxation expert. By doing so, you can ensure that you`re compliant with all relevant regulations and avoid any potential financial penalties.